Installing Django Facetools *************************** Install Dependencies ==================== Django Facetools has been tested on Python 2.6 and 2.7. It's been ran using the following packages: - Django >= 1.3.1 - south >= 0.7.3 - requests >= 0.7.3 To install these dependencies, you can use ``pip``:: $ pip install django $ pip install south $ pip install requests Install Django Facetools ======================== For the latest stable version (recommended), use ``pip`` or ``easy_install``:: $ pip install django-facetools **Alternatively**, you can also download the latest development version from and run the installation script:: $ python install **or** use ``pip``:: $ pip install -e git:// Configure Django ================ - In your project settings, add ``facetools`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... your other apps here 'facetools', ) - Also set the ``FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID``, ``FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY``, ``FACEBOOK_CANVAS_URL``. and ``FACEBOOK_CANVAS_PAGE`` settings:: FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_ID = '301572769893123' FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY = '[insert your secret key]' FACEBOOK_CANVAS_URL = '' FACEBOOK_CANVAS_PAGE = ''